Jan Bloom ~ Artist's Statement

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It’s good to go outside and see what’s there. Anything can be interesting if you look enough.

The things that catch my eye are patterns of light and color. I like to try to evoke the intensity or subtlety found in natural settings. Sometimes the view is exciting, sometimes serene – my challenge is to convey these sensations through the medium of paint. Unashamedly, my goal is to make beautiful (though not necessarily pretty) art. Also, I’m fascinated by angles and geometry found in human expression, such as architecture, as well, and the juxtaposition of humanity and nature.

Right now I find that I’m using my camera as a sketchbook, though occasionally pen-and- ink or watercolors come out to play. Photo prints seem to provide a good option for people to enjoy my vision if they would prefer not to invest in paintings.

Hiking at Waimea Canyon, 
Kauai, Hawai'i

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